的讲话 / 癌症生育:确保女性知道! 订阅


This story begins with a chance meeting with a doctor orchestrating the 精子 collection from a 14-year-old boy prior to cancer treat男人t. 我对这个概念感到惊讶,并立即转向年轻女性. 我问:“他们有类似的生育保护方案吗??”  The physician, a good friend of mine, said: “No—they need to focus on surviving the disease!“嗯……这说不通. 我是Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center at Northwestern University in Chicago and a reproductive scientist. My work in ovarian biology together with my sense that young wo男人 had the same hope for surviving their disease as young 男人, 激发了我对吸纳年轻女性的热情, 青少年, 儿科女孩在一个新的医学领域. 我把这个领域命名为肿瘤学. 这是一个皇冠体育这个新领域的短篇故事, which is now egalitarian in offering fertile hope in a disease that doesn’t discriminate….

在过去的20年里,随着早期诊断,癌症治疗发生了巨大的变化, 靶向癌症治疗的出现, 降低辐射剂量和辐射场的方法, 局部外科手术. 随着这些进步, cancer patients are surviving their disease in increasing numbers and converting what was once a mortal diagnosis into a chronic illness and, 在大多数情况下, 可治愈的疾病. The data are particularly compelling for pediatric cancer survivors; a patient treated for cancer between the years 1975 and 1979 had a 55% likelihood of surviving five years. In children diagnosed between 2005 and 2011 (the most recent interval for which we have data) that number has risen to 83%. By 2020, it is estimated that 1 in 750 adults will be a survivor of childhood cancer. 尽管这些数据令人鼓舞, 它们引起了人们对癌症幸存者随着年龄增长的健康状况的新的关注. These concerns are largely related to the off-target effects of the cancer treat男人ts themselves. 癌症幸存者患第二种癌症的风险显著增加, 心血管病, 和早逝. 癌症治疗的一个主要并发症是生殖功能受损, which ranges from destruction of gametes to the loss of pituitary and gonadal hormone production. This year there will be 160,000 Americans under the age of 45 diagnosed with cancer. 这些年轻的女人, 男人, and children have a good chance of survival because cancer drugs have been come more effective and we are diagnosing the disease earlier. 现在,它们也有很好的机会保持自己的生育能力.

In 2007 I coined the word “oncofertility” to describe fertility manage男人t in the cancer setting. Now young cancer patients have options for fertility manage男人t in nearly every disease condition and timeframe. This means that tomorrow’s cancer patient will not only have a better life expectancy, 但他们也可能期待完全的生育能力. 新的医学领域不是每天都有发明的. 癌症生育与另一项改变生活的创新共享生日:iPhone. Today, we can’t live without our smart phones and oncofertility has become the standard of care. Oncofertility, 这个词将肿瘤学和生育护理结合在一起, 一开始不是很明显,而是很特别.   

在创造了一个新词来描述一个新兴的医学学科之后, 创建一个图标作为程序的中心图像是很重要的. 肿瘤的标志是一个组合的颜色和交织的点和颜色. 这些组合体现了我们项目中固有的跨学科性. The purple is the deep knowledge of self—who I am as a person—while the green exemplifies the hopefulness of tomorrow. 点代表鸡蛋, 精子, embryos or tissue that is banked for the future and sweeps up into the graceful turn of the ribbon which then bows out in a subliminally “expectant” state. 并不是每个新想法都需要一个新的名字和标志, 但是在这个领域, it became a rally point and is used globally as a representation of a set of shared practices and guidelines.

为了给临床医生带来最新的信息, 我们创造了权威, 多媒体资源,以协助这一迅速发展领域的工作. 我们开发了一个多语种的 癌症生育联合会网站 面向科学家、临床医生、患者、研究学者和我们的全球合作伙伴. This site provides the main portal for news and information through our daily newsfeed, 博客, twitter和Facebook账号. 该网站向公众开放,以确保方便快捷地获取信息. 不受限制地访问研究协议文件, 设备供应清单, and the literature create value for a field where information can be frag男人ted and hard to derive autonomously. Teams from around the globe use the website as an easy template on which to build their own programs.

The social media intensive parts of the website provide a direct connection between the science and the advocates—an important part of the equation for future clinical research. One of the ‘rules’ of our social media program was that we would define all words that seemed too technical or represent anatomy or physiology that might be unfamiliar to the general public. This created a bit of a headache in the early days with words like “ovarian follicle” defined over and over. 为了消除“插入语的诅咒”,我们创建了一个名为 生殖健康词典 其中包括对生殖健康术语的简短、权威的定义. 该资源已被超过100,000个独立用户访问. We hope to continue ensuring that the words we use in reproductive science are clear and do not create confusion; where there is this kind of confusion among the general public, there is a reduction in their knowledge about an area that is critical to their health.

此外,我们还为患者、家长和合作伙伴创建了特定的网络工具. 其中包括 患者导航网站SaveMyFertility是一款isavefility应用,它的关联微型网站SaveMyFertility也是如此.org. These sites were created to ease delivery of materials to patients directly from a doctors’ office. This information is available in English and Spanish and providers can translate docu男人ts as needed to suit their patient population. Just as the general public is uncomfortable with discussing the physiological processes of reproduction, 通才和肿瘤学家也是如此. These sites provide easy pocket guide information for these professionals to have authoritative data at their fingertips and deliver the material to their patients together with a referral.

由于科学家和临床医生对这一领域的关注, 我们在卵泡生物学方面取得了广泛的进展, new tools for collaboration and mechanisms for increasing and sustaining the pipeline. There is little doubt that the way we are providing care today will change tomorrow; that is how science and medicine work. 事实上, it is our hope that the field of oncofertility is a short-term solution to the off-target effects of cancer treat男人ts. 我们希望随着癌症治疗的改善, treat男人t effects will be more localized to the disease and impact neither hair follicle nor ovarian follicle and return the patient to health with intact reproductive function. 直到那天, 肿瘤生育是一个提醒人们需要共同努力的词, using different methods that fit the needs of an individual with hopes for a fertile future.



