Catia Cecilia Confortini

Professor of Peace and Justice Studies

Scholar and activist around issues of peace and gender.

我是一名女权主义国际关系学者和活动家. 我的研究和训练是跨学科的,广泛地涉及人文社会科学, 国际和平研究(硕士)和国际关系(博士). 我的研究注重理论生产与政治实践的交叉, 特别是围绕和平与社会正义问题的妇女和女权主义活动和倡导. 我借鉴了女权主义研究的大量传统,把活动家当作理论家来认真对待. 这让我能够重新思考和重塑这些主题, 和平研究和国际关系(IR)领域的方法和基本问题.

我撰写并发表了皇冠体育女权主义国际思想史和女权主义组织的文章, 特别是皇冠体育国际妇女和平与自由联盟(WILPF). This is the main subject of my book entitled 智慧的同情:国际妇女和平与自由联盟中的女权主义批判方法论 (纽约:Oxford UP, 2012)以及许多期刊文章和书籍章节.

Second, 我的个人历史研究和通过女权主义和平研究网络开展的合作使我了解了当代形式的女权主义和平思想和行动, including feminist engagements with the UN Women, Peace, and Security Agenda and feminist peace theories. 此外还有几篇合著的同行评议文章和书籍章节, 这次合作的主要成果是与Tarja Väyrynen共同编辑的, Swati Parashar, and Élise Féron) Handbook of Feminist Peace Research (New York: Routledge, 2021).

More recently, 我将自己的兴趣扩展到探索女权主义和平研究与全球健康之间的交集. 2015年,我与卫尔斯理学院(Wellesley)的一名学生共同撰写了一篇文章 Health, Policy and Planning. 我还与蒂娜·韦蒂南特合编了一卷,题为 性别、全球健康与暴力:女性主义者对和平与疾病的看法 (London: Rowman and Littlefield International, 2020).

在芬兰富布赖特基金会的支持下,这两卷书得以完成, 这使我能够在坦佩雷和平研究所(TAPRI)度过一个休假学期。, Tampere University, Finland between July 2019 and January 2020.

Besides my academic work, 我一直参与地方和国际层面的和平与正义行动和倡导活动. In the past, 我一直是长滩一家家庭暴力庇护所的顾问/倡导者, California; an intern with the Centro de Derechos Humanos Fray Bartolomé de las Casas in San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico, where I ran women’s human rights workshops and helped write and translate the Centro’s reports; an educator and fundraiser for international peace organizations; a community organizer and political advocate for California legislative initiatives, 比如加州三振出局法的改革, a death penalty moratorium, 以及反对禁止同性伴侣结婚的加州宪法修正案. 在国际妇女和平与自由联盟(WILPF), 2011年至2014年,我担任国际董事会美国代表和美国分部成员, and as International Vice President from 2015 to 2018. 我目前是世界青年基金会常务人事委员会的召集人,也是世界青年基金会联合国办事处董事会主席, Inc.


  • B.S., Università degli Studi di Firenze
  • M.A., University of Notre Dame
  • Ph.D., University of Southern California

Current and upcoming courses

  • 真相委员会(tc)已经成为一种揭露真相的机制, document, 承认侵犯人权的行为,并在从独裁向民主过渡的时刻向受害者表示敬意, and from wars to post-war contexts. TCs vary in their mandates, composition, and tasks, and have mixed records of success, despite the frequently high expectations. They often stand as acts of reparation, 促进更大范围的建设和平和受害者尊严进程. In this course, 你将加入一组圣母大学的研究生,一起学习tc的概念基础,并从不同的案例研究中学习. 我们将调查其创建的背景和理由, their mandate and scope, composition and structure, and analyze their work and post-report reception. 我们将关注诸如性别和种族的交叉方法等问题, the participation of victims and responsible ones, 委员会与其他形式的过渡司法相辅相成, and the management and access to their archives. (PEAC 392 and POL3 392 are cross-listed courses.)
  • 本课程探讨社会正义之间的交叉点, conflict, and engineering using an interdisciplinary, hands-on, case study approach. We will explore four technologies (drones, cell phones, cookstoves and water pumps), 在每个案例中探索具体的工程概念以及使用该技术的伦理和政治含义. The case studies will inform our discussions of the following big ideas: technology is directly linked to social justice and can have both highly beneficial and highly problematic results for the development and transformation of conflicts; understanding technology at a deeper level is critical to understanding the justice impact on communities and people; media communication about technology and technological innovations' benefits can be hyperbolic and requires a critical lens. 和平与正义研究专业的学生必须注册peac305. 其他专业的学生可以根据他们的准备情况注册PEAC 305或ENGR 305. (ENGR 305 and PEAC 305 are cross-listed courses.)
  • 真相委员会(tc)已经成为一种揭露真相的机制, document, 承认侵犯人权的行为,并在从独裁向民主过渡的时刻向受害者表示敬意, and from wars to post-war contexts. TCs vary in their mandates, composition, and tasks, and have mixed records of success, despite the frequently high expectations. They often stand as acts of reparation, 促进更大范围的建设和平和受害者尊严进程. In this course, 你将加入一组圣母大学的研究生,一起学习tc的概念基础,并从不同的案例研究中学习. 我们将调查其创建的背景和理由, their mandate and scope, composition and structure, and analyze their work and post-report reception. 我们将关注诸如性别和种族的交叉方法等问题, the participation of victims and responsible ones, 委员会与其他形式的过渡司法相辅相成, and the management and access to their archives. (PEAC 392 and POL3 392 are cross-listed courses.)
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